
First, you will need the resources in this repository. You can either clone the repository, or if not familiar with working with Git, you can also just download the repository as a zip file. Next, you will need to create a Python environment with a few Python packages installed.

There are multiple of ways to create a Python environment. If using a computer with ArcGIS Pro already installed, you can create the environment using the command prompt. Since you need a command prompt aware of Conda installed with ArcGIS Pro, access a command prompt by going to Start > Programs > ArcGIS > Python Command Prompt.

Next, create a new Conda environment. You’ll have to name this environment. In this example, I am naming the environment arcgis.

conda create --name arcgis --clone "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3"

This creates an environment identical to the one installed with ArcGIS Pro. Now, we need to activate this envornment to work with it.

conda activate arcgis

Next, we add a few Python packages we will use to get work done.

conda install -c esri -c conda-forge arcgis cenpy jupyterlab pandas scikit-learn

Finally, to get started, you can start up Jupyter Lab.

jupyter lab

Leave the command prompt window open after the browser window opens with Jupyter Lab. In Jupyter Lab open the Create Economic Distress Index Layer Notebook in the ./notebooks directory to create your own dataset using the steps in this Jupter Notebook.