Welcome to documentation for Demographic-Modeling!

Demographic Modeling does not introduce new functionality to ArcGIS, but does make using ArcGIS Business Analyst with machine learning dramatically easier. Demographic Modeling provides a single Python interface for using ArcGIS Business Analyst for feature creation as part of a data preparation pipeline.

To get started with this project quickly, I suggest cloning the repo, install the package, and diving into the examples in the Jupyter Notebooks included in the repo. Play with the notebook examples. Change them for your data, and see what you can discover. From there, a lot more is included in the module documentation here to explore.


I can tell you’re impatient because you are human, so here is how you get started quickly. First, ensure you have the requirements, and then use these commands to start playing around on your own system.


The requirements vary based on how you are accessing Esri Business Analyst, whether through ArcGIS Pro or using Business Analyst Web. The latter, Business Analyst Web, can be either ArcGIS Enterprise with Business Analyst Server, or it can be simply using Business Analyst Web as part of ArcGIS Online.

ArcGIS Pro

Business Analyst Web


First, clone the repo, and step into the project directory.

git clone https://github.com/knu2xs/demographic-modeling-module

cd ./demographic-modeling-module

Next, take advantage of the make file to create a new Conda environment for you, and install the source code for you using PIP.

make env

Now, jump into the notebooks directory and start looking around.

cd ./notebooks

jupyter lab

Finally, once you’ve broken a few things, or want to figure out more, come back here and look at the documentation.

Indices and tables